Will Your A/C System Keep You Cool This Summer?

R-22 Refrigerant Is In Scarce Supply!

Can you imagine having your central air conditioner blowing hot air in the middle of the summer? Older AC systems can easily break down due to normal wear and tear and depleting refrigerant.

If your air conditioning system is older than 10 years it is very possible that it is losing its charge. That means that your AC system can no longer cool your home. To make matters worse, older AC systems run on a refrigerant called R-22. R-22 has been phased out by the US Government meaning that your AC repair will be costly!

r-22 phase out-ac
Does My Air Conditioner Use R-22 Refrigerant?

Air Conditioning R-22 Refrigerant Shortages Due To The U.S. Government Mandate To Phase Out The Manufacturing & Distribution Of R-22 Refrigerant

Why R-22 Must Be Banned?

Older air-conditioning systems used a special refrigerant gas called R-22. After some years of testing, R-22 was determined to be bad for the environment over the long term because it damages the ozone layer.

Therefore, the United States government decided to phase out this refrigerant. New production is prohibited as a means to reduce consumption. Likewise, R-22 is no longer allowed to be imported into the country.

In fact, since we reached the government-mandated cessation date as of January 1, 2020, the price of R-22 refrigerant gas has increased drastically.

To make matters worse, the supply of R-22 is rapidly dwindling. In fact, air conditioning service companies may not be able to get their hands on enough R-22 to service all of their customers this year!

Freaking out about now?

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What Are Your Options Today?
number one

Stay “AS-IS” and find a supplier for R-22 gas. This is becoming harder and harder with each passing year. If you’re lucky enough to find a dealer that is willing to service your old R-22 AC, you are going pay an arm and a leg for the gas. You see, it’s getting more expensive every year. Its basic economics of supply and demand. Less supply and higher demand = $$$$$!  We reached the official date for the final phase-out of the gas. Consequently, prices are starting to jump.

The day is rapidly approaching when R-22 refrigerant gas WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE.

Convert your existing air conditioning system from R-22 to a replacement refrigerant. Replacing the refrigerant requires the existing condenser to be totally evacuated of R-22 and a replacement refrigerant added to the system. The average cost of this service option is approximately $1,300 to $1,500.  Most new central air systems can be replaced starting at $4,500. Considering that a replacement refrigerant is not going to last, it makes no sense to invest in an antiquated AC unit. It is better to invest in a replacement unit that you can expect to last for 17 years.

number two
number three

Install a new air-conditioning system that runs on the approved refrigerant known as Puron (R-410A). If your air conditioning system is old enough that it is still running on R-22 refrigerant, it is nearing the end of its effective lifespan. Your AC system will need to be replaced in the very near future.

Additionally, the last couple winters have been unseasonable warm, allowing our customers to save money on their heating bills. This energy savings can easily be leveraged into a new central air conditioning system, one that is fully compliant with the Government’s mandated R-22 phase out.

Act now and be eligible for up to $1,500 in money saving rebates with the purchase of a new Carrier gas furnace and central air conditioning system.

Once your R-22 AC system needs a recharge, you will be forced into one of the 3 options above. Act now, save money by being proactive in replacing your AC system. You have NO alternative!

sleepless man

Avoid hot, sleepless summer nights due to broken central air conditioning. Eliminate an emergency situation by being proactive. This is going to save you money in the long run. You might also qualify for cost savings rebates and other incentives by acting now instead of putting it off.

Learn More About New Air Conditioning Systems We Install

Heil Solutions

Heil AC photo

The Heil QuietComfort® series of air conditioners will keep you and your family cool during the hottest days of the summer. Heil® products include the extra care and technology for comfortable and quiet operation in your home.

Thermo Pride Solutions

Thermo Pride ACphoto

Thermo Pride is a leader in the cooling industry since 1946. These AC systems are made in the US and come with strong warranties. When you purchase a Thermo Pride, you get performance, comfort and efficiency.

Mitsubishi Solutions

Mitsubishi Ductless Cooling

Mitsubishi ductless air conditioners are the best solutions for individually zoned rooms and areas in your home. Perfect for renovations, additions as well as new construction applications. They are extremely energy efficient and quiet.

Thermo Pride house
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