How Does the System 2000 work?

Energy Kinetics System 2000 and 90+ Resolute are the first fully integrated heat and hot water systems on the market. They are both convertible between gas, oil and propane. System 2000 runs a Hybrid Energy Recovery® cycle that puts nearly every ounce of heat left in the boiler to work for you.

System 2000 stages

Stage 1: System 2000 sits cold

No call for heat or hot water. System 2000 sits idle at near room temperature awaiting instructions from the Digital Energy Manager.
No energy is being expended to keep the boiler heated. Hot water in the heavily insulated storage tank is ready for immediate use.

Stage 2: Boiler Pre-Heat

A living area in the home that is below the thermostat setting, it is an initial call for heat.
The Digital Energy Manager interprets thermostat calls and begins pre-heating the boiler.
With water circulating in the boiler, System 2000 reaches operating temperature in less than ninety seconds.

Stage 3: System Heating

System 2000 has generated heat within the boiler.
The zone calling activates, quickly heating the living area to the desired temperature.

Stage 4: Hybrid Energy Recovery or Thermal Purge

The Digital Energy Manager anticipates the end of the heat call and turns the burner off. It continues to circulate water from the boiler through the last active zone until the boiler is cool and the room temperature is gently heated at the desired temperature. This improves home comfort and extends the time until the next call for heat-two great benefits in comfort and energy savings. System 2000 then sits idle waiting for the next call for heat.

This unique combination of the Digital Energy Manager and low-mass boiler is a significant contributor to the extraordinary annual efficiency of all Energy Kinetics’ heating systems.

More To Know About How System 2000 Works

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