Feb 13

The Fundamentals Of Home Heating Safety

heater safety and home heating repair Somerville NJNobody wants to live in a cold house during winter so most people try to use some form of heating system to stay comfortable. However, this can bring its own problems as well. Statistics show that a significant portion of fires were caused by faulty heating equipment. About half of these are recorded during the coldest months of the year. Stay on the safe side by being informed.

Essential Tools For Fire Safety

There are a few items that you can use to prevent raging fires and minimize damage. They are fairly cheap and easy to install. Examples include smoke detectors and carbon monoxide sensors. These should be present in every home and, indeed, every floor of all buildings. Just don’t forget to check the batteries and switch to new ones when the old pieces run out of charge. Test them on a monthly basis to make sure they’re working well.
Have a fire extinguisher handy. You never know when disaster might hit so it’s best to be ready at all times. Teach everyone in the family how to use it so that they won’t hesitate when they need to. Draw an escape plan and practice it to make the reaction automatic.

Isolate The Heaters

Heaters should not be anywhere near other items in the house, especially those that are flammable. Mark three feet along their perimeter and make sure that this barrier is maintained. Keep things such as paper, bedding, furniture, and other fire hazards out of the vicinity. This will prevent them from catching fire. Children should also be barred from approaching stoves, fireplaces, furnaces, and the like as they may do something dangerous without realizing it.

Call For Service: (908) 707-1776


If you are going to use space heaters, then be sure to power them with the right kind of fuel. Consult the manufacturer’s guide or your professional installer for more information. Alternative fuels may be compatible but check first with the local officials regarding the legal status of the product, as well as the possible risks.
Pay particular attention to fireplaces since these are essentially open flames in the middle of a room. Burn only seasoned woods from natural sources as these don’t generate much smoke or bad odors. Do not place glossy papers and other treated items in the fire as this can release toxic fumes into the air. Have screen block sparks and flying debris.


Some stoves use solid fuel instead of liquids. Examples include firewood, pellets, and coal. These generally leave some residue which remain hot even after the flames have died down. Do not remove them right away. Allow them to cool before picking them up for disposal. Places the ashes in a metal can or something similar then cover it up with a lid so that things don’t spill. Place this away from the structure where it doesn’t pose any threat. Have professionals visit at least once a year to clean the chimneys and other heating equipment.


Home Heating Repair Somerville NJ

Heating system installation, maintenance, and repairs should be performed by professionals. This ensures optimal performance, safety, efficiency, and regulatory compliance. Turn off all heaters when not in use. Do not substitute an oven for a specialized heater as this can be a fire hazard.

When your heater is on the fritz, you needs to address it immediately. A malfunctioning heater poses many risks to your family that you may be unaware of. Be sure to contact Skylands Energy. We are a family owned business that has been in the heating and cooling industry for decades. We prioritize our customer’s needs by offering top notch, affordable, and courteous services. Call us today to discuss your comfort needs!

Learn More About What Skylands Energy Can Do For Your Heating Needs

Call For Service: (908) 707-1776

We service Bound Brook NJ 08805, Bridgewater NJ 08807, Flagtown NJ 08821, Hillsborough NJ 08844, Manville NJ 08835, Martinsville NJ 08836, Middlesex NJ 08846, Pluckemin NJ 07978, Raritan NJ 08869, Somerville NJ 08876, South Bound Brook NJ 08880, Zarephath NJ 08890, and surrounding areas.

Contact us now at (908) 707-1776 to find out more!

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