Jan 23

Wi-Fi Thermostats for Oil Heat

image of a wi-fi thermostat for fuel oil heating system

Around 50% of the energy consumption in homes in the United States comes from heating and cooling. Remember that the thermostat you use can greatly impact your home’s energy use and your oil heating system’s effectiveness. Therefore, consider installing a Wi-Fi thermostat to improve the efficiency of the oil boiler or furnace. This type of thermostat lets you automate and have greater control over your home’s temperature and climate. As a result, you can reduce your energy expenditures. Aside from automation and temperature control, you also get other benefits from a Wi-Fi thermostat.

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Wi-Fi Thermostat Benefits For Oil-Heat Homes

This article lists nine benefits oil-heat users get with Wi-Fi thermostats.

Have Thermostat Control From Virtually Anywhere

image of a homeowner using phone to control home heating system remotely

Suppose your plan was to lower the temperature on your thermostat before you left for the day, only to realize you forgot to do so. Consequently, while you are at work, you are paying to heat an empty house. With this, you probably get how frustrating it is to waste energy needlessly. A smart Wi-Fi thermostat allows you to handle issues like this because it provides remote thermostat control. All you need to do is install the dedicated phone app, so you can use your phone or another smart device to control the thermostat from anywhere with an internet connection.

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A Smart Thermostat Helps You Save On Heating Oil Costs & Energy

According to the US Department of Energy (DOE), you can lower your energy expenditure by up to 10% by just reducing your thermostat setting by 10 degrees while you are asleep or away from home. You can control your Wi-Fi thermostat via your phone, making adjustments easier.

A Wi-Fi Thermostat Features Intuitive Displays & Easy Controls

Smart thermostats usually have brightly lit, intuitive displays, so it is easier to read data. Their controls may vary from dials, responsive touch screens, or buttons. If you know how to use a smartphone, operating a Wi-Fi thermostat shouldn’t be a problem.

Access Useful Metrics On Oil Home Heating

homeowner controlling smart boiler with phone depicting smart home heating

Smart thermostats provide data and metrics that a dial or simple programmable thermostat cannot give you. You can access statistics on your home’s energy use and your behavior over time through the thermostat app. This information can assist you in making thermostat adjustments accordingly so you have reduced energy use and optimal indoor comfort. Additionally, a Wi-Fi thermostat can supply you with information about how much energy you’ve saved over time or the humidity levels in your home.

Keep Track of Multiple Thermostats At Different Locations

If you own several homes, it can be an expensive and tedious task to maintain them. This includes ensuring that the oil heating system in each home is efficient. Smart thermostats are handy during these situations. These let you manage the climate in each house from virtually anywhere via an internet-enabled device like your smartphone.

Get HVAC Maintenance Reminders

image of boiler tune-up and an hvac contractor

A heater, such as a boiler or furnace, that is properly maintained improves the energy efficiency in your home. It also enhances safety, creates proper airflow, and lowers heating expenses. You should be sure that your heating system is in tip-top shape at all times. A Wi-Fi thermostat helps make this easier as it can pinpoint the ideal time for oil furnace maintenance. More importantly, it can set a reminder for you.

Get Local Weather Updates

Your oil heater’s performance and efficiency are affected by the weather. For example, warmer days may mean that your home remains comfortable even if you set the thermostat at a lower temperature. On the other hand, colder days may require you to set the oil heating system’s temperature higher. A smart thermostat can help you keep track of weather changes and temperature shifts. It can display the local weather information, or you can check it on your phone via the app. Once you know this information, you can adjust your thermostat depending on the weather outside. This way, you save money.

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Customized Oil Heating Schedules

Your thermostat must be capable of accommodating lifestyle changes to achieve maximum efficiency. A smart thermostat lets you customize oil heating schedules per your lifestyle and calendar. For example, you can set the Wi-Fi thermostat to automatically lower the temperature for you while you are at work. You can also set it to raise the temperature to a comfortable level on your way home, so you arrive at a perfectly warm home. With this, you can save money without sacrificing comfort.

Integration With Other Smart Devices

image of internet of things depicting smart technology and home heating

Smart technology is becoming ubiquitous as more smart devices are incorporated into homes. This allows you to connect your smart thermostat with other smart devices like Google Home or Amazon Alexa. Integrating your thermostat with these smart devices means you can use voice commands to control your oil-heat system. You can also create custom commands to switch on the heating system, adjust the temperature, schedule oil heating, and more using your voice. Doing this allows you to explore new and exciting options with your Wi-Fi thermostat.



Consider a smart thermostat installation so your home remains comfortable and you can enjoy lower energy bills. You get a lot of benefits from a Wi-Fi thermostat, like the nine included in this article. Apart from a smart thermostat, you also require a dependable heating oil provider like Skylands Energy Service. If you live in central New Jersey, call us today and schedule a heating oil delivery. We offer quick and affordable heating oil delivery services.

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Call Skylands Energy Service For All Of Your HVAC Needs

image of skylands energy service logo

Skylands Energy Service provides reliable HVAC services throughout the area. We are staffed by a seasoned team of HVAC technicians who can capably handle all of your heating and cooling needs. Some of the HVAC services include heating and air conditioning equipment replacements, upgrades, installations, maintenance, and repairs. You can count on us to get the job done right.

When you want highly competitive rates for HVAC services, call Skylands Energy Service. Should you require a replacement heating or cooling system, we can help you find the right one for your home and budget. All of our services prioritize energy efficiency, indoor air quality, comfort, and quality. To schedule service, contact Skylands Energy Service. Be sure to request a free in-person consultation and estimate.

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