Benefits of Automatic Delivery:
Do Nothing… Stay Warm!

Our full service philosophy means all our customers can receive Automatic Delivery of their heating oil. No need to call or check your level. No concern about running out when the deep freeze weather hits. You get all the heating oil you need, before you need it.

We assume the responsibility and liability of you never running out of oil. Risk factors: We do ask you to partner with us by letting us know when you make modifications to your home, your heating system or your life style so that we might modify your usage factor to assist in accurate deliveries. If we fail to honor our end of the bargain (we do occassionally make mistakes — last season we had 11 run-outs while making 25,000 deliveries which equates to 4.4 one hundredths of one percent), we have emergency services standing by to put oil in your tank and get your heating system back up and running at no cost.

We know our customers’ lives are full of many worries. Whether or not you have oil in your tank shouldn’t be one of them. We urge all our customers to defer that responsibility to us. Let us do what we do very, very well.

Happy Skylands Customer
Skylands Fuel Terminal in Three Bridges NJ

Pre-Buy Option

Our Pre-Buy Option is offered each spring and early summer to customers who wish to purchase their winter heating fuel in the off season, when prices are traditionally lowest.

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Budget Cap

With our Budget Cap Plan, your fuel oil cost is capped at our per gallon Cap Price determined each summer, and your payments are spread evenly across the year.

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Budget Fixed Price

Our Budget Fixed Price Plan spreads your heating oil payments evenly over 9 to 12 months, depending on the plan you choose.

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With our giant fleet of delivery trucks, the Skyland’s Energy fuel terminals are always busy early in the morning, ensuring our deliveries are made on time to make our customers happy.

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