Pre-Buy Plan For Heating Oil

Our Pre-Buy Option is offered each spring and early summer to customers who wish to purchase their winter heating fuel in the off season, when prices are traditionally lowest. Customers pay in the summer for their fuel, and Skylands delivers it through the winter.

pre-buy heating oil

We’ll Help You…

We’ll help you figure out approximately what your gallon usage will be, based on previous years. This is often the way to pay the lowest per gallon price.

Existing Skylands customers can call or email to get a summary of their usage last year, to help determine what you might want to buy this year. If you would like to buffer yourself against a colder than average winter, consider purchasing an additional 100 to 150 gallons and adjust your payment accordingly.

Call (908) 707-1776

New Customers Get Details on Price Plans Here

Current Customers Visit Your Online Portal To Sign Up

Risk factors: If you need more gallons than you pre-buy (a particularly cold winter might do that), you purchase them at the current market price, which could be higher. Additionally, should the price drop lower than your pre-buy, you are not able to take advantage of the downward movement.

Please call us if you have any questions, need to know your consumption from prior years or to find out how to enroll in the program of your choosing.

Participating customers on all plans must be on automatic delivery. This is a limited time offer based on the gallons we have optioned and is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Please call us if you have any questions, need to know your consumption from prior years or for easy enrollment in the program of your choosing.

Early termination penalties apply.

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