Benefits of Discount Oil Delivery:
Self Management = Savings!

We understand that not every customer wants to have full service oil delivery. That is why we offer discount, self serve home heating oil ordering options. Just buy what you need. This is a no-frills, no-contract solution for maximum price savings.

With our online oil ordering option, you are in full control. you assume the responsibility making sure that you don’t run out of oil. However, this equates to a savings in your oil prices.

Ordering oil online with Skylands Energy is as easy as 1, 2, 3!

  1. Register online on our online oil ordering website.
  2. Select the gallons you need
  3. Check out and pay with any major credit card.

Please allow several days from the time the order is placed until it arrives at your home. Best practice is for you to place your oil order when your tank is approximately 1/8 to 1/4 full. This will help minimize the risk of running out of oil when you need it most.

Get Started With Discount, Online Oil Ordering

Skylands Discount Oil Delivery

Risk factors: Managing your oil delivers is a great option for our customers that are very budget conscience however they risk the possibility of running out of oil. Self managing customers need to stay on top of their oil consumption and place oil orders with enough time to avoid running dry. If you are not disciplined to keep an eye on your oil levels, an automatic oil delivery plan may be best for you.

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