Mitsubishi Ductless Installation In Sewaren NJ

Over the past few summers, the Clark family used window air conditioners to keep their home comfortable. However, last summer they noticed that they were paying an astronomical amount of money on their energy bills and their home still felt hot and sticky. They did not have any window AC units upstairs, making this part of the house unbearable during extremely hot summer days and nights.

This year, before the heat of the summer, they decided to explore various cooling options. They called Skylands Energy and scheduled a free, in-home consultation. Ted Francisco, an experienced heating and cooling technician at Skylands, recommended that they install a Mitsubishi ductless system in their Sewaren, NJ home.

Mitsubishi Ductless Installation In Sewaren New Jersey
Mitsubishi Ductless

Problem: The Clark family did not want to use their window air conditioners as their source of cooling for the upcoming summer. Their window AC units were loud, expensive to operate and they found that their house was not as comfortable as it should be.

Solution: Skylands Energy installed an energy efficient Mitsubishi ductless heat pump condenser (MXZ-3C24NA2-U1) outdoors and two indoor wall units (MSZ-GL121NA-U1).

Mitsubishi Ductless Heat Pumps

Mitsubishi logoThe ductless unit that Skylands Energy installed in the Clark residence will meet all of the heating and cooling demands that they have. These units are extraordinarily energy efficient, so the Clark family will not have to pay a fortune for their comfort. The outdoor condenser is compatible with more than a dozen indoor units and works well in single-zone or multi-zone settings. This option allows you to create a setup that caters exclusively to the needs of your home. By installing these ductless heat pumps, they have improved the efficiency of their home by 30%.

The two indoor units that Skylands Energy installed offer a variety of features. These units are wall-mounted, and they are designed for multi-zone setups. Its design allows for silent operation, where the Clark family will not even know that it is on. It comes with a 5-year warranty on parts. This Energy Star qualified unit has 23.1 SEER rating and a 12.5 HSPF, making it extremely energy efficient. It comes with a wireless remote and a 24-hour timer.

It offers multiple settings or operation modes, a variety of fan speeds, and the airflow can point in different directions. These features allow for an enhanced level of comfort.

Sophisticated Filtration System: These systems come with a hybrid catechin deodorizing filter. This enzyme-based filter can manage allergens and other indoor air pollutants. It not only traps them, but it also breaks them down, cleaning your indoor air and improving your indoor air quality.

Hot Start: This technology helps prevent cold drafts in your home by ensuring that the heat exchanger is warm before fan operation.

Econo Cool Setting: This feature allows you to improve the efficiency of your unit by adjusting the cooling set points. You can easily swing the horizontal vanes, increase your comfort and direct the cooled air where you want it to point.

Dehumidification Options: When you run the indoor unit in dry mode, it ensures that the coil’s temperature stays below the dew point of the air. This option allows the unit to remove any unwanted moisture. It improves comfort, eliminates the chance of mold growth, and protects your home from property damage.

Thinking Of Installing A Window AC?

window air conditionerWindow air conditioning systems aren’t all that they are cracked out to be. Sure, their initial cost is relatively low which is one of their appealing features. However, you’ll be paying far more in the long run. Your energy costs will skyrocket and your home won’t even feel comfortable. In fact, window AC units are so ineffective at doing their job that they often leave the indoor environment hot, sticky, and with poor indoor air quality. Window air conditioners usually create the perfect environment that’s ideal for mold and bacteria to grow. These systems don’t have a sophisticated filtration system. Those spores accumulate and go right through the unit and into the air that you breathe. In addition to these less than ideal circumstances, there are other factors to consider:

Less Security

Many homeowners install window air conditioner units in a window opening, and they are typically not visually appealing. Also, they present a security risk. Potential burglars realize that it does not take much effort to remove a window AC out of its place and gain entry to the home. For this reason, ductless systems are a much better choice since they present no security risk. A cooling and heating contractor can install a ductless mini split system, and it will not get in the way of anything else.

Loss Of Natural Light

A window-mounted air-conditioning unit blocks any natural light from entering the room unless it has other windows. Also, you will need to remove window air-conditioning units when the weather turns cold. This task is often far more difficult than it appears. Therefore, opting for a ductless air conditioning system allows you to enjoy natural light in your home and keep the window shut whenever you please. Even a small window AC makes the latter impossible.

Limited Cooling Space

A window AC unit can cool only one small room. Unless you install one in every room of your home, you will have to put up with the summer heat in some areas of your dwelling. On the other hand, a ductless system allows you to set different temperatures in the various rooms or zones of your home and enjoy cool air in your entire dwelling. For instance, can set your kitchen to one temperature and your living room to an entirely different temperature.


If you are like most people, you want a cooling system that runs quietly. In fact, this feature is one of the most important for numerous individuals who are in the market for a new AC system. Unfortunately, window units are quite loud, and because you want the room in which you spend the most time to be cool, this means putting up with noise on a regular basis.

Ductless systems feature compressors that the HVAC technician installs outdoors. Therefore, little noise is heard within the home. The indoor air handler can occasionally make noise. However, it is not nearly as loud as a window AC unit. Overall, ductless systems are preferable if you want a quiet home, enhanced comfort, better indoor air quality, and lower energy costs.

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