Just like individuals in any other profession, heating and air conditioning contractors have different levels of experience. Some HVAC companies offer better service than others so people should be careful... read more →
A change of seasons can cause unusual odors to be emitted from the air conditioning ductwork in the home. Some homeowners have compared these odors to the smell of stinky... read more →
Few things can irritate as much as elevated indoor humidity. HVAC systems may be designed to give us a high degree of comfort throughout the year, but humidity can, nevertheless,... read more →
When home air conditioners break down, the cost of AC repairs depends on a variety of factors, including the cause of the problem. Some issues are more costly to fix... read more →
Every pet owner understands the joy of having a beloved, furry companion around the home. Domesticated animals can help people in a variety of ways and most households treat their... read more →
Although no appliance lasts forever, it is possible to increase the longevity of some if you take the right steps. This is certainly the case with cooling and heating systems.... read more →
Ceiling fans help bring down temperature through convection. Convection refers to the transfer of thermal energy from the source to another location. When ceiling fans are turned on, the movement... read more →
With limited resources, we often have to prioritize our time and money. Important financial decisions are made only when they become inevitable. For example, malfunctioning air conditioners may require immediate... read more →
It is nearly summer when temperatures rise. To avoid the discomfort of hot days (and nights), homeowners have to ensure that their air conditioners are ready for the task of... read more →
With the high price of new air conditioners, it is not surprising that most homeowners are trying to hold on to their old units. However, replacing the cooling system could... read more →